Meet Your Best AI Email Assistant
Effortlessly manage school communications with our intelligent AI summarizer.
(No spam, we promise)
We don't store your email content - your privacy is our priority
How It Works
Forward Your Emails
Simply forward any school-related emails to our dedicated email address. We accept emails from all providers, including Gmail, Outlook, and school-specific systems.
Smart Analysis
Our AI-powered system reads through each email, identifying key information such as dates, events, and action items.
Receive Your Summary
Within minutes, you'll get a concise summary delivered to your inbox, highlighting the most important points.
Stay Organized
Access all your summaries in one place through our user-friendly dashboard. Set reminders for important dates and never miss a school event again.
From Chaos to Clarity
Families today are inundated with digital communications. Here's a snapshot of the typical email volume for school-related messages alone:
Emails Per Month
- Elementary Schools: 5-10 emails
- Middle and High Schools: 3-7 emails
- Sports teams, extracurricular activities, and other events
Emails Per Year
- Elementary Schools: 60-120 emails
- Middle and High Schools: 36-84 emails
- Sports teams, extracurricular activities, and other events
We are here to help
Email Comparison
Original Email
- Characters: 1,530
- Read time: 5 min
- Characters: 380
- Read time: 1 min
Time Saved
4 minutes
Weekly Summary
Weekly Emails
- Total emails: 5-10
- Total read time: 25-50 min
- Summarized emails: 5-10
- Total read time: 5-10 min
Weekly Time Saved
20-40 minutes
Monthly Overview
Monthly Emails
- Total emails: 20-40
- Total read time: 100-200 min
- Summarized emails: 20-40
- Total read time: 20-40 min
Monthly Time Saved
80-160 minutes
Key Features
Clear, Actionable Summaries
Get to the point with summaries that highlight key details.
Never Miss a Deadline
Stay on top of important dates and deadlines.
Works with Any Email
Forward emails to us from any provider, we'll handle the rest.
Time-Saving Statistics
See how much time you're saving with each summary.